Left to our other house on Thursday night for a big weekend of pruning roses. By the time I had packed up, did all my jobs and loaded the car I didn't leave until 7pm not getting home till nearly 10. Friday dawned sunny and warm but husband sick, so I shipped him into town to the doctors whilst I got stuck into the garden. I mowed the front lawn first so it looked so much better to start with then the roses... about 30 down, 20 left for Saturday.
Work in progress
After a big day in the garden I did get to my sewing machine, over the weekend I got 2 baby quilts quilted on my grand quilter!
Work in progress
Now off to do the binding, and maybe a couple of Sylvia blocks!
Your garden is beautiful, and I love the quilt you were working on. It must be so nice to have a long arm! I can only dream.