Tuesday, 13 December 2011

I've done it

Yep, I've done it.  I have resigned from my day job!  Big step here, as we still have one child in boarding school and one at Uni, Number 1 has  now graduated and is working in central Queensland.  I have really enjoyed my day job and will be sad to leave BUT, and there is always a but, now I get to qwilt for my living (or school fees anyway).  I have promised myself a trip to Adelaide for the AMQ festival in September so keep your fingers crossed this foray into being self employed doing what I love best is successful.

I did get a little bit of patchwork done recently, this is a quilt for Hayley who is expecting a baby brother or sister in around 6 weeks!  Gotta love me and my sister, and yes, there is something for the new baby in the pipeline.....

Just needs some binding!

A date with Ricky Tims!

Head on over to the AMQ Festival blog to check out a day with Ricky Tims!  I'll be there with bells on!  This festival is being held in beautiful Adelaide in late September 2012, lots to learn, do, see and meet.  As a new longarmer, I can't wait and have started putting a little bit away from every quilt to get me there.

Saturday, 26 November 2011


After driving down to Singleton late on Thursday night after work, my husband advised that our causeway might be up 'a little bit' as the dam upstream from us is almost full and they are letting some water out to avoid overflow.  Mind you it was raining at the time and the forecast was for a lot of rain.  Why Water Resources didn't think of this over the last few weeks and let the same 5000 megalitres out over several weeks whilst it was not raining is being asked a lot around our neighbourhood at the moment.  Needless to say I couldn't get home.....

This is our causeway that is normally about 10cm (4inches) deep and about 5 metres wide! We have been told it could be like this for up to two weeks!!!!!

My lovely in-laws put me up for the weekend, and if you are going to be stranded, the best place to get stranded at another quilters house!  In between preparing for my sister-in-laws birthday party I got to do a little bit of sewing.  I had taken the quilt below to show Cheryl - it's the commission i have been working on and is now ready for delivery.  the pattern is Swoon by Camille Roskelly available here.  I adjusted the pattern to make the blocks 16" finished, and the only instructions I was given were for a queen size quilt.  I had asked what the recipient (it's a gift for a mum) likes in the way of colours etc and was told umm...Royal Doulton...

I love it, although I almost always use brights, and everyone who has seen it loves it too.  Hopefully Rogers mum will be happy with her gift!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Lots of work!

I'm loving the gammill, and getting lots of work.  I've been busy checking out all the different edge to edge patterns available and am getting quite a collection that matches to the quilts I have been quilting..

I have also been asked to sell my 'Santa Sack' pattern again. Just need to find the original file, I think it's on my old computer - I hope it's on my old computer...

I've got orders for 3 finished stockings as well!

Please note this pattern is subject to copyright.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Qwilter in training

After lots of little quilts, watching training DVD's and youtube, I've learned all the tips and tricks and am now really happy with my edge to edge quilting.  Just a couple of small things make such a difference.  I'm now taking paying jobs and so far everyone is happy - especially me!  I'm also busily stitching away on a commission quilt and trying to keep up production on the baby quilts.  And I thought I was busy before...

Bev wanted Roses

Now for sale on etsy
I have 8 customer quilts waiting for me to quilt, 4 quilts in the middle of piecing (2 of which are long term project so maybe shouldn't be counted) and this turned up in the mail in the last couple of weeks...

From left is a fabric bundle from Get Stitched in Armidale, Oops a Daisy by Keiki, Fox Trails by Doohicki Designs and Heirloom by Joel Dewberry in Citrine.  And Kona Ash from Hancocks turned up yesterday as well.  The roll is actually 9" high and the Oops a Daisy stack is 6" high, so I've got some stitchin' to do. 

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Stitching away

I've been having sooooo much fun with my Statler Stitcher.  Last weekend I did a quilt for KN as my first BIG practice quilt..She is a prolific quilter with beautiful workmanship and I was very nervous quilting on someone else's work.  But she loved it.  Phew!  Even when I had issues (read lack of experience) on the last row. 

This weekend I went back home with only 1 baby quilt to quilt on.  I thought I might try some new styles and this is what I ended up with... 

Point to point was the first style, both line, doing stitch in the ditch, and pattern.  Gotta admit, I'm very happy with both.  I then tried out borders and did the corners and along the top and each side very easily.  Not so crash hot when i tried the bottom half...  I think I must have changed the angle of the corner pieces as the bottom and sides would just not line up.  Not to worry, I little bit of reverse sewing and I'll try again.  Lucky it's just a small quilt.

On Saturday morning I had to go into town as I needed a couple of things, thread, fabric, iphone, printer, and when I got into my LQS BM said that she had her quilt with her, was that all right?  Was that all right? of course it was, BM works at my LQS and is my best advertiser. So once I got home I took the triangle quilt off the racks and loaded BM's. 107" x 83".  Another BIG quilt. And BM's only request was maybe something with roses.  I could do that!  We talked about thread and decided on a variegated red, green, yellow on the top and a beige to match the back.  We talked about using the same colour top and bottom to stop threads 'poking' through but, top and bottom, although they work together are very different.  I said I'll do one run and check for 'pokies' and if there was an issue I'd give her a call.  My wonderful sister in law Cheryl came over for a visit and we got the quilt loaded and up and running.  Quilted up like a dream and today on my way back to Tamworth I got to drop it off to BM.  Needless to say she was rapt.  She absolutely loved it!  I'm so happy.

Now back to unpicking!

Monday, 10 October 2011


A couple of finishes for this week!  The pink quilt has been sold, thank you Brony, and will shortly be on its way to Queensland to it's brand new owner, her brand new niece!  I hope she loves it!  I just love the quilting on this one.

The second one will be listed on my etsy shop, it is the first one I quilted on Optimus Prime (my new gammill longarm).  The sanctuary fabrics are soooo soft, just love them.


Wednesday, 5 October 2011

I found it!

Well, I didn't actually find my camera cord, but I did find another camera with the same size fittings.

On Saturday a big truck came and delivered this...

and then it rained, and rained and hailed and lighting and thunder and rained 67 mm. I was standing under the back pergola at 1am while the lighting lit up the horizontal trees being battered by hail, shining a torch on the billowing tarps that kept everything totally dry.

But on Monday we started to unpack...

and built this...

so I could do this...

and this...

Soooooo much fun!!  Just need to do some binding then on to my etsy shopThe pink one has already sold and I picked up a commission over the weekend.  I have one quilt ready to quilt waiting for me to get back to the farm next weekend.  And 2 shops ready and waiting for my flyers and price lists.  This could be the start of my third career.  Roll on next weekend!!!  

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Watch this space

....because when I find the cord to connect my camera to my computer, I'll have lots to show you!!!

I've been having lots of fun, except i can't find the d^#n cord.


Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Shorty show 2011

Every year I make a denim quilt to be auctioned for the Shorthorn Youth Club Heifer Expo.  This is this years version.  Thanks Roger for all the jeans!

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Nearly all gone!

Whilst being VERY busy at work, it has been equally quiet at home this week.  With the leftover fabric from my Sanctuary fat quarter story I made this, stitching away a little at a time at night.

and now all I have left is...

And that's on a 6 1/2 inch square ruler.  I think the green is the biggest scrap left.  I finished the quilt top at 6.30 this morning when I woke up at 5 and couldn't go back to sleep, so I snuck out to sew quietly so I didn't wake the bird.  10 fat quarters = 2 baby quilts.


Sunday, 28 August 2011

Stichin' Sunday

I took the day for myself today - well some of it anyway.  My youngest fractured his ankle on Friday during his 3rd game of sport out of 5 in a 48 hour period, so spent many hours on Friday night and Saturday organising x-rays and seeing doctors.  There goes his apprearance at state highjump and the balance of the football season.  He is very frustrated with himself and wondering how his suit pants will fit over his cast at next weekend's formal.

I also ended up with a houseful last night, unexpected and a juggle with feeding and bedding for all.  After getting everyone fed and organised and out the door this morning I spent some time making this...

 with this...

I'm putting it aside to quilt on my Gammil when it arrives and will then put up for sale on Etsy.

I wonder what this week will bring!


Saturday, 27 August 2011

First listing on etsy

Another first for me - I have listed my first item on ebay etsy!!  Yay!!  One of my 'baby quilts' in brights. You can check it out here.  Now back to the sewing machine!


Monday, 22 August 2011

I've just got to...

show you this!  How good are these pencils and pastels? 
After lots of thought I will have to applique over the painted purple vine so I can colour it properly.

What a difference.  I am so excited with the way this is turning out I just had to show you..


Sunday, 21 August 2011

On the road again

After last fortnights gardening, my back strongly objected and has let me know about it ever since.  Not much sewing, gardening, walking etc since.    I got the binding on the two baby quilts

And when I went back to the Hunter this weekend the Newcastle Craft Show was on....

So I rang a good friend and arranged to meet for a bit of a catchup and a look around.  We had a lovely time and got to meet the marvellous Kim Bradley who one day, I am sure, I will finally get to do a class with.  But in the meantime I purchased a couple of things to get me going.....

Now that I have the Inktense pencils and Cretacolor Pastels, I can get back to work on my cushion cover.  Stay tuned.


Sunday, 7 August 2011

In my travels

Left to our other house on Thursday night for a big weekend of pruning roses.  By the time I had packed up, did all my jobs and loaded the car I didn't leave until 7pm not getting home till nearly 10.  Friday dawned sunny and warm but husband sick, so I shipped him into town to the doctors whilst I got stuck into the garden.  I mowed the front lawn first so it looked so much better to start with then the roses... about 30 down, 20 left for Saturday.


Work in progress

After a big day in the garden I did get to my sewing machine, over the weekend I got 2 baby quilts quilted on my grand quilter!

Work in progress

Now off to do the binding, and maybe a couple of Sylvia blocks!

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Sylvia's Bridal Sampler

What a week!  Very busy at work, my house has sold, and I have finally taken a huge jump in my life by ordering a Gammil Longarm Quilting machine.  I have so wanted to do this for a long long time but now, with the profit from the sale of the house, I can take this step towards being self employed.  It will take around 3 months until my machine arrives and then lots of practice, then bring it on!  Quilting for a living!  I don't now whether to be excited or terrified.  I suppose only taking the leap will give me the answer.  As I have finished all the quilts for people, photos etc that are due in July, I have taken some me time and have been working on Sylvia's Bridal Sampler and am now up to 33 blocks.  Hopefully I can get another 7 done this weekend, and another 10 during the week.  Here are some photos of my first 30 blocks.


Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Finished 4

Glenn's 21st birthday quilt.

Glenn is my daughters' partner and a great guy.  This quilt was made whilst getting the house ready for my first open house which was only a backup plan as I have sold my house already!  Now to find somewhere else to live.  My daughter had requested a log cabin style denim quilt with the jeans labels at the centre of each block, with half of my fabrics in our other house 220 klms away and a mad rush (as usual) to get a quilt made in a short space of time, this was the best I could do.  I think it turned out pretty good and Glenn's comment was 'awesome!'  Got to be happy with that.  Just a little bit of binding to sew down tonight and then he can take it home.  Also have to say that Glenn took out the Senior Herdsman Championship at the SA Heifer Expo last week!  Congratulations on both counts!  

A baby quilt for Jo.

I haven't listed this one as a new finished quilt as it has been finished for quite some time.  As are quite a few of my baby quilts.  I hope to get about 30 finished and then advertise and sell them!  Only problem so far is that I keep giving them away!


Friday, 15 July 2011

Finished 3

Gidget is finished!  Woohoo!  In the final rush to get it on a bed for photographs (my house goes on sale next weekend) this is my first view of it all together.  So happy, I just love it!

Now to keep cleaning and decluttering and kids packing to go back to school/uni.


Sunday, 10 July 2011

Finished 1 and 2

Ireland - Finished

Denim Quilt - Finished
Ready for my daughters swag

2 down, one to go!  Had a mad rush to get the denim quilt done, started Wednesday night and delivered Friday night.  Nothing like a deadline!  These 2 items are the first things sewn on my new machine - it sews like a dream, didn't baulk at the demin and satin stitched so smoothly for Ireland.  I even added a few embroidery details for a bit of fun to highlight Steph's quilt...

Now back to work!